Hi! I’m Chris, a UX & Product Designer.

My goal is to get those KPI’s moving in the right direction using my wide breadth of skills such as user research for great customer insights, a problem solving approach to the design process, and building interactive prototypes for quick iteration.

Background Image by Chris Pavia

Designing the “Netflix of Magazines"

Hundreds of magazines, thousands of issues, tens of thousands of articles. I led the design effort on Texture to make finding the content users care about easy and engaging. Texture went on to be acquired by Apple in 2018.

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Redesigning Highlights

I updated Texture's mobile highlights UI to increase dwell time and click through.

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Onboarding Refresh

I identified pain points in the onboarding flow and designed solutions to get users into the core experience faster.

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Daily 3D Renders

As a side project and personal challenge I’ve been creating a 3D render every day for over 300 days.

View Daily Renders

Got a project? 
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